020 - Earache

Oh nice, the election stress has worn down my body and now I’m getting sick. Because I don’t have enough to worry about. At least, I had my booster and flu shot. No vaccines for doomer depression though.

Could also be seasonal affective disorder, appropriately acronymed as SAD. As if I need another reason to be depressed besides…depression.

I feel like my life now is in someone’s hands and not a deity’s. Someone malicious, who wants to crush me or turn me into a baby factory. Then again, I am fat. Conservative men hate fat women. Then again, some might have a fetish. Yeah, the latter would be much worse. I don’t get hit on as much as slimmer women, but harassment does happen on the rare occasions I emerge from my hovel.

Since Trump won, men now have a “your body, my choice” mentality. One popular neo-Nazi, whose name I won’t even mention because he can go fuck himself, got doxxed for saying just that. He hid like a little baby bitch. That gave me a little hope, that women are not giving up. It really feels like we’ve been declared the enemy. So, nothing has changed then. They’ll probably try to take our right to vote because we are terrifyingly female and refuse to lay down for them to fill us with their patriarchal seed.

I’ve not quite hit rock bottom. We still have a couple of months before the second term begins. I keep hoping something will happen. Something physical to take him out. Maybe his orange makeup is laced with arsenic or a rogue Secret Service shoots him. I doubt it. Then again, his own fanclub have spawned three attempted assassins. I’m not saying it should happen. That would probably just kick off the civil war sooner than we thought.

One small bastion of hope is that some of his fanbase are crumbling. They’re just realizing who will be paying the tariffs and how they’ll lose their healthcare and social security. Could have learned this a bit fucking sooner, don’t you think? Leopards are eating faces and I have a feeling they will gorge themselves over the next four years. Signing off.


021 - Brain is a leaking sponge, heart is a casket…


019 - “I was asleep before. That’s how we let it happen.”