010 - Found out what Zoom Breakrooms are…should be called Zoom Breakdowns

What is with colleges imposing group work on people? Why the fuck do you think it’s okay to make students’ grades dependent on other people’s willingness to do work? I feel like it’s just a microaggression against neurodivergent people.

“But in a real job, you have to work with others to get the job done!”

Tell me if this sounds crazy but: Most people work jobs to get a paycheck, not for a Good Person sticker in their fucking unicorn-printed notebook of Contributions To Society.

I read online about people having a go at people who don’t participate in Zoom Breakout sessions, how they’re lazy and don’t contribute.

Peep this, Most Specialest Self-Proclaimed Main Character Motherfucker: I don’t fucking exist to make other people happy. In a traditional classroom setting, yes, I will contribute. But in a goddamn ZOOM CALL, you are demanding that I allow you into my bedroom, my safespace, my sanctuary, all for a fucking grade! I REFUSE to be micromanaged like that! We are adults! Adults, for God’s sake. Yet, I feel like I’m 15 again, getting in trouble for not having a damn hall pass!

The stupidest thing about this class is that it’s for cybersecurity. It’s not even a foreign language class or public speaking course! The class is just taught this way for the hell of it!

If it is one thing I’m not going to apologize for, it’s for being neurodivergent. You think I asked for this shit? You think I was once a sperm filling out a questionnaire of how difficult I want my potential life to be? You think I just arbitrarily decided to be terrified of stepping out of my comfort zone? I take four different medications just to get this jumbled mass of brain spaghetti to fire its signals right!

I spent my formal years trying to act normal. That was literally my process. I studied other people to see how I should be acting, because my natural personality was too much for other people to handle. Hell, I have a totally masked personality for talking to my parents. You think they know the online me? Fuck no! They’d be trying to get me exorcised.

If it’s one thing you shouldn’t do to someone like me, it’s try to pull them forcefully out of their comfort zone. If me being in my comfort zone bothers you — tough titties. Boundaries, motherfucker, accept that or fuck off. I deserve to feel safe. Signing off.


011 - Please remove your Bible from my vagina…


009 - Lyrical Forensics