011 - Please remove your Bible from my vagina…

Old men are entirely too obsessed with the status of women’s vaginas. Just because your wife stopped having procreational sex with you thirty years ago doesn’t mean you can shove your proverbial wrinkly chode up our metaphorical twats.

The pronatalist dinguses on high want to set up a menstruation-monitoring administration. Awww, if you wanted to sift through a box of my used sanitary napkins, you should have just asked! I’d be so excited to smear them all over your Range Rovers.

Nothing scares insecure men more than the mention of periods and for that reason, I will never stop talking about them. The people who get so angry with commercials and TV shows mentioning periods seem to forget that 50% of the world’s population is female. These are the same men who talk about their dick and balls and send unsolicited pictures of them to women. So, let me get this straight - you slimy old geezers can say whatever the fuck you want to women just trying to live their lives but your tiny old man dick shrivels up at the mention of a tampon?

If that’s not enough, Florida has decided to ban any sex education whatsoever, including matters of gender, sexuality, puberty, and consent. Teaching children about clinical words for their body parts? Ew! That’ll make them gay! No, it should be their youth pastor telling girls that they all get punished for being female because the first-ever woman was an apple-eating slut. And if they’re extra lucky, they’ll get the extremely unwanted lessons in the back of the church van by a deacon who claims to be a Godly man and that Jesus will forgive him for his 30 sexual assaults of minors.

Oh, no, was the mention of a girl getting assaulted too much for your delicate eyes? You fucking snowflake.

Man, if I could power machines with my incandescent rage for humanity, I could send rockets into space. I’m just a little tired of living through historical events in the stupidest timeline ever. I’m tired of geriatric despots trying to upend democracy because their wittle faschie feelings got hurt. I’m tired of boomers telling millennials that we’re spoiled and entitled, conveniently forgetting that they raised us.

I get mad because the job market only wants to hire easily exploitable people who will put up with their belittling and micromanaging. You get mad because young people want to have and keep their human rights to bodily autonomy, safety, and a livable wage. You also get mad about Black people protesting because they don’t like getting shot for being Black. Apparently, that’s just too much for you. You also get mad about people protesting genocide that the American government is basically funding. Yet, you still fervently claim to be Christians, while simultaneously doing the opposite of Christlike actions. Feeding the hungry? That’s socialism. Helping the poor? Communism. Loving thy neighbor? That’s just gay.

I’m coming to terms with trauma in my past. I don’t really want to elaborate on that because it’s very personal. I don’t feel like blathering all my family drama on the Internet because most of the stories aren’t mine to tell. I just feel like I’ve wasted my 20s. I should have made something of myself and I’m just an obese, majorly depressed, unemployed, neurotic mess living in my landfill of a room I’m too unmotivated to clean. It’s hard to feel motivated when society considers you a burden on its resources. I am yet another carbon-dioxide-spewing parasite on an Earth that is fighting back against its polluters. I’m destined to probably die from heat exhaustion, obesity, or my own hand.

I exist, but I do not live. Signing off.


012 - Silent Hill 2 Remake (spoilers)


010 - Found out what Zoom Breakrooms are…should be called Zoom Breakdowns