007 - What a horrible day to have eyes…

This has been the wackiest fucking week. Space aliens could descend from the clouds and announce the truth of their existence and it will still be featured 5th of most explosive news stories.

Donald Trump has endorsed Mark Robinson for governor of North Carolina, who fashions himself as a Black Nazi. He is the real-life Uncle Ruckus. Even more upsetting is the perverted shit found online. He had an account on Nude Africa, which is a porn website where he expressed his wish for slavery to be legal again and his appreciation for transgender pornography.

This man…fetishes slavery and transgender people. Does that mean he’s up for protecting transgender rights? Fuck no! Fetishization is never about valuing someone’s humanity. And he’s running for GOVERNOR. A CONSERVATIVE GOVERNOR.

There are screenshots of some of the explicit stories he writes and I do not recommend you look them up. I want to pop out my own eyes and wash them with bleach. He has many other kinks that I don’t want to discuss. Thankfully, his opponent, North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein, has a 14-point lead on Robinson.

It’s only September 20th and I’m exhausted. In good news, I just applied to vote permanently by absentee ballot. If anyone asked what my disability is, it is “Not-Wanting-To-Be-Shot-At-A-Polling-Place” -itis. To my knowledge, you don’t have to be disabled to vote by absentee ballot. And while I do have conditions that would qualify me to have a disability, I don’t have the paperwork. I live in a red county, just up the road from a Trump-flag-flying cop.

In other strange news, there’s gonna be a Passion of the Christ 2. Why? Christian exploitation, duh! Also, Jim Caviezal is playing Jesus, you know that guy who played Tim Ballard in White Mormon Savior, the Film. Oh, sorry, the Sound of Freedom. It’s about Tim Ballard and his infamously sketchy sting operations in which he infiltrates human trafficking rings and saves children. Except the film conveniently leaves out the part where he sexually assaults the women under the guise of maintaining authenticity their relationship ruse. I wonder if Mel Gibson, the spouse-abusing anti-Semitic asshole, is directing it. Jim Caviezal is also shady as shit, believing in Qanon, which has anti-Semitic elements in its conspiracy theory.

I actually saw the original Passion of the Christ far too young when it first came out in theaters. I was 10-years-old and apparently an R-rated film is perfectly fine if it’s about Jesus getting tortured. What is it about Christians and their obsession with the Crucifixion and how allegedly gory it was? That film fucked me up. I was sick afterwards and stayed up till the early hours crying, begging God to forgive me and save me again. That’s normal for an 10-year-old to do, right? Become obsessive-compulsive about the Crucifixion? And they told me reading books about witches and wizards was bad. Nope, book about a man getting violently tortured in order to save my every known and unknown sin, please! That’s not manipulative at all.

At the Christian school I attended, I was in fifth grade and we discussed the film during morning devotion. According to the teacher, the most egregious thing about the film is that one of the apostles said, “I don’t know the damn man” when talking about Jesus. Really? That was the controversial bit for you? Not the albino Satan dripping snakes from his nose? Not the over-the-top whipping scene and Jesus having nails driven through his flesh and bones? All while Mel Gibson was probably in the editing room like, “Yeah! This’ll show the world what those Jews did to Jesus!” (Do you know he actually asked Winona Ryder if she was an “oven-dodging Jew?” Fucking gross! I would have slapped him!)

Anyway. This post is turning into a brain salad amalgamation of rants. I better stop while I’m ahead. Keep up the fight and fuck all of these racists. Signing off.


008 - I hate sensationalized news. Also, some academic research into the link between power, narcissism, and sadism.


006 - DAs defending rapists don’t have souls…